General description

A high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of a calcitonin receptor-heterotrimeric Gs protein complex


Receptor name: Calcitonin receptor

Receptor chain: R

Receptor organism: Homo sapiens

Family / Class: Secretin / B1

Resolution [Å]: 3.3

Effector protein: G: α β γ (A B G)

Other protein: Nanobody 35

Peptide ligand: Calcitonin (P)

MD preparation


Number of mutations: 0

List of mutations: None


Name: Calcitonin receptor

Organism: Homo sapiens

Uniprot: P30988

Effector protein

Name: Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha isoforms short

Organism: Homo sapiens

Uniprot: P63092

Name: Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) subunit beta-1

Organism: Homo sapiens

Uniprot: P62873

Name: Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-2

Organism: Homo sapiens

Uniprot: P59768


Title: The Molecular Control of Calcitonin Receptor Signaling.

Authors: Dal Maso E, Glukhova A, Zhu Y, Garcia-Nafria J, Tate CG, Atanasio S, Reynolds CA, Ramírez-Aportela E, Carazo JM, Hick CA, Furness SGB, Hay DL, Liang YL, Miller LJ, Christopoulos A, Wang MW, Wootten D, Sexton PM

Published: ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci (2019)

Other protein (not shown in structure)

Name: Nanobody 35

Organism: Mus musculus

Receptor TM helicies
TM regions (from OPM database)

TM1( 147-169),TM2( 183-204),TM3( 218-242),TM4( 261-283),TM5( 295-318),TM6( 341-359),TM7( 368-394)

Additional info

Membrane Thickness: 35 ± 1.8 Å

Tilt: 12 ± 0°

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